I mainly charge on a per project basis, based on the value of the finished project, not time spent.
Included in the price:
- Any required research.
- Basic on-page SEO optimization of desired keyword(s).
- First draft written according to any guidelines provided.
- Images and screenshots.
- Any links to your existing content.
- Two rounds of editing for new clients. Once a working relationship is established, subsequent projects include 1 free round of editing.
- Articles. Price is quoted individually per project, based on word count, research requirement, and complexity.
- Long-form content. Price is quoted individually per project, based on word count, research requirement, and complexity. This includes whitepapers, e-books, guides, and so forth.
Typical client process:
- To start the process, you’ll assign me the topic and fill out a brief about the project.
- I will provide an outline based on the details provided.
- You can then review the outline, providing notes and requests.
- I will then write the first draft (usually ~7 business days) and send it over.
- You can then leave notes and request again. I aim to make these adjustments within ~3 business days. This process is repeated for however many rounds of edits requested.
- Once the project is finalized, the (remainder of the) payment is settled.
I aim to keep you in the loop by providing status updates every 3 days, so that you never have to check up on me.
I typically require ~1 week lead time on new projects.